Friday, September 14, 2007


Wow...I had hoped to attract a few people to my blog...maybe get a small semblance of a following, who knows even get a nod from one of the weblog celebrities, and I did! With my very first post no less. Granted the acknowledgment had nothing to do with the content of my first post, but even if it was just for the pic I posted with it, I still got noticed by the person who inspired me to start my own blog in the first place. I did however catch a bit of flack from his regulars about the pic, stating that it wasn't "mine" and that I stole it, but I didn't claim the pic as my own, and I'd like to go ahead and give credit to whomever it was that created it...unfortunately I have no idea who that person was so I can't officially name names or anything. If you're reading this DPS pic person...thanks for making an awesome pic and putting on the net for me to find. There, that should cover all the bases...btw if anyone wants to see the actual post you can find it here. Btw, if you happen to read this BRK...I still can't get my favicon to work even after removing .html from the link in my HTML file. Happy hunting to you all, and stay tuned for more ramblings


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