Saturday, September 15, 2007

It's Just a Game!

With that being said, we don't take it that seriously right? I think you and I both know we might not realize it but we do. How do I know we disagree, you ask? I'll use myself as an example: I'm lvl 70 (demonstrating commitment to achieving max level), I have at least my epic riding and flying mount (farming the gold to afford the mounts/training), I'm at least halfway to revered with most of the major factions in outlands (rep griding speaks for itself), 2 epic drops from Karazhan (I know it's not BT but that stuff doesn't just drop on ever run)...and that's just the time I spend logged in! I spend at least an hour or two every day going over various forums, blogs and other websites reading up on wow/hunter related basically...if your resume resembles mine don't tell me that this is just a game and you don't take it that seriously otherwise you would still be lvl 35 and wouldn't even care that you could get Herod's Shoulder if you went on just one more SM Armory run...

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