Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Beast Lord Leggings

Sorry no picture today...I'm sick and didn't feel like trying to find one. I'll update it later, maybe. Anyway! After my 147,332nd run through Steamvaults, Warlord Kalithresh finally decided to part with the pair of Beast Lord Leggings he's been holding for me! Pretty much the only thing left for me to do to get cleared for raiding is replace my Power Infused Mushroom with Hourglass of the Unraveller from the second boss in Black Morass. I've managed to get my unbuffed hp's up to 7k and my RAP (with AotH & TSA) is 198o, which is technically 20 points shy of what it needs to be, but I was told they'd make an exception since it's so close anyway. I'm still doing dailies and farming in the hopes that I'll get together enough gold for my first epic flying mount. I've thought about dropping skinning and picking up herbalism, but I doubt I will due to the fact that I really don't want to go through the same thing with herbalism as I did with mining (e.g. running around hinterlands for 2 hours and only getting 3 skill ups from mithril and truesilver ore). Off to work now, take care and happy hunting!


Syralis said...

Hey man I hope you get to feeling better soon. Big grats on the Beast Lord Leggings, it looks like you'll be sporting some phat purps soon enough. Man I could never make it in your guild, if I could I would consider moving Galamar over there. Anyway grats again and keep us posted on your progress. Oh by the way I just recently noticed that you're a fellow Texan. Woohoo!!

Saerath said...

now way!! what part of texas are you from?

Syralis said...

I was born in the Ft. Worth Dalllas area and now I live in the Austin area.