Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Time to Breathe

     I just wanted to do a quick post to reassure those of you who read this blog that I have not abandoned it again. I've just had an extremely busy week. The blog, and my WoW time both suffered as a result, hence the lack of content. Don't worry though, I've still got plenty of ideas, so there will be more articles in the future!

Guild Update
     I guess it isn't really an update since there isn't anything new to report, but oh well. We are still waiting to see what our tank situation is going to look like. I am still raiding on my hunter in the mean time, though we've run into issues and ended up cancelling a couple of runs since I made my last post. I will update as information becomes available. If anyone happens to play, or know of a player on the Thrall server that is looking for a guild, have them contact me in-game, on Saerath or just use /who Shots Fired and ask to speak with an officer. If all else fails have them send me a RealID friend request, my Battletag is WhisperBlade#1988.

The Blog
     I am still planning on moving my blog over to Wordpress, but I would like to get my site graphics designed and everything setup before I make the switch. The main delay is my serious lack of graphic design experience (or ability for that matter). I'm hoping I can teach myself how to use GIMP, or find someone that would be willing to assist me in the graphics department. I've considered selling an organ and purchasing the Adobe Creative Suite, but I'm on the fence about which organ would bring me the most money at this point. Again, I will update as the situation develops.

     Thanks again for reading, happy hunting and respawn responsibly!

1 comment:

Nikola D.A. said...

Hey :) Nice blog! I'll add it to my blog list. If you want check out my hunting blog: