Sunday, December 2, 2007

Happy Feet

I liked the penguin better when he was young...moving on. Someone didn't show up for their spot in Kara 1 last night, so I get to fill in. I wasn't even on the standby list due to being out of town on business earlier in the week. I get a whisper specifically stating they want me in the raid. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Until the raid starts anyway. It seems oRA2 has a cooldown monitor. Said cooldown monitor is bugged and did nothing aside from the fact that it kept me from being able to target anything in the middle of my screen. So my misdirects were a little slow on the Nightbane fight and 2 people died as a result. At this point I didn't realize the CD monitor was the problem. We wiped once due to a healer dieing (not my fault that time...I don't think) and got him with no problems the second attempt and I finally got my [Ferocious Swift-Kickers]. It's nice being the only hunter in attendance sometimes. Now that I think about it though, of all the drops I've ever gotten I think only one was actually rolled on by someone else. The rest were just given to me because no one else needed them, which is 100% fine by me. Default drops ftw! Sorry...I made the coffee a little strong this morning. We moved on to Shade, where I got 1-shotted by his arcane explosion right off the bat. He sucked us all in, I dropped snake trap (took a little too long in doing so) and started towards the wall. I was just about to turn to get Anthies out of range of the blast when it went off and dropped me like a rock. I think I took in the neighborhood of 14k damage. It hurt...a lot. Eventually I got battle resed and we downed him. I managed to get [Drape of the Dark Reavers], once again no one else needed. I almost didn't take it because I already had [Blood Knight War Cloak], but I decided it was worth losing the small amount of AP in order to get the +hit. After all, what good is 2k AP and 26% crit if you can't hit anything. After shade we did Chess, Prince, Netherspite and Illhoof. Wiped once on Illhoof and 1-shotted everything else. We had awesome infernal drops on prince, for once. After we finished I used my badges to get the [Choker of Vile Intent] and then chased enchants and gems all over the place. Luckily my mount fund didn't take too big a hit and was able to replace the gold spent with sold auctions on my bank alt. My fury warrior is coming along nicely as well. I decided to bench krieger for the time being because I have a hard enough time keeping up with 1 hunter, and I've always wanted a melee dps class (that isn't a rogue). I'm also kicking around the idea of starting a "blog novel" or "blogel" if you will. I've got the prelude written and a few ideas for how I want the first chapter to turn out, just not sure if I want to go public with it yet. It's basically Aerislan's grind in story form, but with more of a static plot than just rambling about the quests he did. If I get enough requests for the first chapter I'll post it and you guys can tell me what you think. For now, a piece of advice: Never pet a burning dog. Happy hunting and take care!


Pike said...

Good to hear you got some great new stuff!

Pict said...

Yes, we want chapter #1! I've never read a blog novel, and I'm wondering what it's gonna be like.

Sellia said...

I would like to read your "blogel".
And congrats for loot !


Syralis said...


Grats man, it won't be long and you'll be all purple :-). I too would enjoy reading chapter one. Bring in on bro!