And the respec is a success!! At least in my opinion, and no complaints from the guildmates either. I started a post about what happened in a heroic UB group, in which I successfully kite/tanked 3 mobs (one at a time, thank Elune for multiple CC's) and more impressively kite/tanked the druid boss with the help of an extremely skilled paladin healing. Mrs. B3 was in the group as well and let's just say I showed her things she never thought possible of a hunter. (Just imagine if I was BM spec...). I'm sure I could have accomplished similar feats with my MM build, but nowhere near as easily. Went to Kara the next night, took Moroes down in 2 tries, but more importantly not once in the ENTIRE raid did I hear anyone comment on my traps being loose, except that time the lock doted one, but he was beaten severely about the head and shoulders by the other raiders and promptly swore to never do it again. Went back to Kara last night to take down Prince and Illhoof. Prince was a 1-shot, Illhoof was a 2 shot due to our priest being sacrificed twice in a row. Now that we're all on the same page again, the spec and the changes I've noticed:
-I'm a crit monster now, self-buffed I have almost 26% crit chance, higher crits, more crits, and more DPS from the pet with Kill Command.
-I don't sit at the bottom of the damage meters anymore, I'm usually in 3rd or 4th in raids & 2nd or 3rd in 5-mans.
-More health means less having to run around screaming when I aggro the critters (yanno the lvl 1 rats/spiders/roaches/frogs/etc...that's a joke btw) and I can actually take damage from the mobs without dying in 3 hits.
-Not having Silencing Shot or the bigger mana pool has forced me to rethink my general playstyle, so I'm more inclined to kite/joust mobs when I get aggroed instead of just die, and I have more flexibility when it comes to my traps so I use them more as well.
All in all, I am fairly happy with the build and will more than likely keep it for awhile, but if I do respec again it's going to be BM, I've wanted to try it for awhile now, but haven't been able to justify the respec to my class leader. Take care and happy hunting!!
Congrats! I might try that one out, take it for a spin one day... one day...
Survival can be a whole lot of fun.
I'm curious. Why can't you justify BM spec to your class leader? It's the highest raid dps build for Hunters.
Well, class leaders are often long time players, back from the days when MM was a viable raid build *_* jk, but they think that no matter how good BM is, MM will always be better, I personally have never had a class leader, so I don't know personally, but thats what I'm guessing.
no, nothing like that gentlemen, we already have a few BM hunters and my class leader doesn't want to overload the guild with BM hunters and lose the abilities the other builds provide
I'm pleased that everything is working out well for you. Looks like your definitely moving up in the world. Tell D hi, and I'll catch ya' laters.
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