- George Augustus Moore, The Brook Kerith
I suppose this is a homecoming of sorts. This was my first and most successful blog, though that depends on how one measures success. It was certainly my most active blog. Most of the time I couldn't wait to publish a post, even if it was just a random topic I decided to write about.
Things changed though. It wasn't that I didn't like writing anymore. I never lost the desire to write. I simply became afraid to write. I began to take myself a little too seriously. I obsessed over every little detail, and was hyper-critical of anything I wrote. Not long after I stopped writing for this blog, I was given the opportunity to write for The Hunter's Mark, a well-known Hunter blog. I published 3 articles before I quit, convinced that I had no business writing for a blog that popular. Never mind the fact that my articles were well received by the blog's audience. My second article was even discussed on the Elitist Jerks podcast. I walked away though, self-doubt being the only real reason for quitting.
Dusting off the hunter;
I stopped writing my B3 blog during Wrath of the Lich King, but I continued to play my Hunter though out the Cataclysm expansion. Towards the end of Cataclysm was when I transferred to the Thrall server, and Aerislan, the Night Elf, was reborn Saerath, the Troll. While Cataclysm changed the face of Azeroth as we knew it, Mists of Pandaria changed our characters in much the same way. I had a hard time adjusting to the changes, and as a result I retired my hunter. I made Anthies, my Blood Elf Paladin, my main and began my transition from DPS to tank. It was a nice change of pace, and I enjoyed it for awhile, but life got in the way and I ended up taking a break from the game. During my break, the guild I was in had a civil war, and a new guild was formed. The new guild began under the name Meridian, and was recently changed to Shots Fired, as a bit of a joke. Shortly after the guild was formed, my wife ended up taking over as Guild Leader, and talked me into coming back to tank for the new raid team. Not long after I came back we had a ranged DPS spot open up, and I began the task of gearing my Hunter, who hadn't been played since the beginning of the expansion.
Besieging Orgrimmar
It took me getting carried through a few flex runs, and a lot of wasted bonus rolls, but I've clawed my way to a respectable spot on the DPS meters. I've come to terms with the fact that I have to manage my Focus, and that I won't get my seemingly infinite mana pool back, and I've even learned a few new tricks along the way.
As a guild, we are currently 13/14 in 10-man Siege of Orgrimmar. There is talks of moving on to 10-man Heroic content once we kill Garrosh, but nothing set in stone. We also have some members who are very active PvPers who are trying to form a Rated BattleGrounds team, which I plan to be a part of, as well as doing Arenas every chance they get.
The Future
Most of the content on this blog will have something to do with the Hunter class. I'm sure there will be some stories about my guild also. We've got a rather interesting collection of personalities, and most of our raid chatter is drowned out by someone laughing over mumble. I've got some guildmates that I may get to do some guest posts, or something to that effect. I've debated on setting up a Twitch.tv account to stream, but I'm still on the fence about it. I am planning on providing consistent content, even if it is just my opinion on something I read on WoW Insider, or something to that effect. I also have no problem with readers emailing me post requests, or topics they would like discussed. Reader interaction is one of the tings I love about blogging, and is actively encouraged. Also, if you are an old reader, welcome back! If you are a new reader, nice to meet you! I'm looking forward to seeing this blog active again, and telling my story. I stumbled across this quote today, and found it very true:
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."
-Maya Angelou
Thanks for reading, and respawn responsibly!